Satelit True Worshipper
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Satelit True Worshipper

True Worshipper merupakan satelit pelajar dari Gereja Mawar Sharon(GMS) dan dipercayakan memegang wilayah Surabaya timur. Digembalakan oleh Pdp.Jefrry S.K seorang hamba Tuhan luar biasa yang banyak dipakai untuk memenangkan pelajar di surabaya timur !!!
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 t0;ank2 tw

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6 posters
Level 1
Level 1

Male Jumlah posting : 2
Age : 33
Registration date : 24.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeNovember 25th 2008, 18:38

hallo ank2 tw gmn kbrnya? on fire yoooooo.GBU
Very Happy
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Level 3
Level 3

Male Jumlah posting : 35
Age : 34
Registration date : 12.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 2nd 2008, 15:55

hoiiiii.... ni randy sapa??? hehehe... ksi foto donk biar aq tau... hehhehehe
Luar biasa... Amin2!!!! hahaha
On Fire!!!!
Gbu^^ Laughing
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Level 4
Level 4

Male Jumlah posting : 40
Age : 31
Registration date : 17.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2008, 15:25

Ehmmm... Btul? Randy bkn e cm ada 1 org ya?
Aku tau e koq cm ada 1 org ya....?
Ada 1 lagi, tp anak q itu... Ga mngkin xoro rasae lek xg iki anak q......
Gt.... GBU Razz
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Level 1
Level 1

Male Jumlah posting : 3
Age : 33
Registration date : 12.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 7th 2008, 18:41

itu randy sapa Ya ???wkwkwkwkwkw ...
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Level 1
Level 1

Female Jumlah posting : 8
Age : 31
Registration date : 22.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2008, 12:20

ini randy sapa?? kq g knal ya??? dr tw brp?
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Level 4
Level 4

Male Jumlah posting : 40
Age : 31
Registration date : 17.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2008, 14:36

Hmmm.... Betul! Q tau Randy xg mana.... Memang setahuku hanya ada 1 randy itu....
TW 13, wialayah pucang..... Tahu yg mana? Hehehe..... GBU Smile
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Level 4
Level 4

Female Jumlah posting : 44
Age : 32
Registration date : 12.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 12th 2008, 20:42


ni erwin, ko2 erwin yg biasae tak panggil doraemon ta????(jaat yo)
ga2 ini sungguan nanya..... jadul bgt yo.....
TW road 2 Revival!! cheers
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Level 3
Level 3

Male Jumlah posting : 35
Age : 34
Registration date : 12.11.08

t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitimeDecember 15th 2008, 12:48

haha... juahat yoooooo... tgg pembalasanq cin.... wakakaka
iyo b e.... hahaha... pokoke seng paling yes se tw... wakakaka... joke2...
yah pokoke semangat ae!!!
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t0;ank2 tw Empty
PostSubyek: Re: t0;ank2 tw   t0;ank2 tw Icon_minitime

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t0;ank2 tw
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